Shea’s Performing Arts Center boasts one of the largest Volunteer groups in the Western New York region.
Volunteer support helps Shea’s to fulfill its mission to restore this magnificent facility as well as present the best live theatre from Broadway and across the country.
In support of the Shea’s Staff, event Volunteers facilitate the finest possible experience for patrons at performances serving many operational duties: greeting, seating, assisting, directing and selling. Volunteers are our trusted ambassadors for they serve as the face of Shea’s at hundreds of events each year!
Usher Volunteers seat, direct and assist Patrons for all performances at Shea’s Buffalo Theatre. Usher Volunteers make a commitment to Volunteer at Shea’s for every event that falls on their assigned day and time. All events are vital to the success of Shea’s and it is of upmost importance to have a full Volunteer Usher team for every engagement. Each Usher Volunteer team will support at least 10 events per season.
The Spotlight Committee is a fundraising entity whose members Volunteer to support performances at Shea’s Buffalo Theatre by selling concessions, champagne or raffle tickets, operating the coat check/hearing enhancer station & player piano, and staffing the Member’s Lounge. Bi-annually, Spotlight Members will sign-up to volunteer at the performances of their choice. Funds raised by Spotlight Volunteers during performances, as well as the annual Broadway MEATS Buffalo Meat Raffle, help to preserve, assist and promote Shea’s Buffalo Theatre.
Volunteers at Shea’s 710 Theatre seat, direct & assist Patrons at all performances as well as sell concessions, operate the coat check/hearing enhancer station and staff the merchandise counter. Approximately 90% of the Volunteers from Shea’s Buffalo Theatre support the performances at Shea’s 710 Theatre as well.
All Usher, Spotlight, and 710 Volunteers are also given the opportunity to support performances at SHEA’S SMITH THEATRE, the ANNUAL GALA, the JUNIOR THEATRE CELEBRATION, SHEA’S WONDER AWARDS and more!
Shea’s could not operate without our wonderful team of dedicated volunteers. To sign up for one of our New Volunteer Training Sessions, submit your contact information below and we will be in touch with you!