As a nonprofit organization, the support of individuals, corporations and foundations enables us to continue our mission: “To restore and maintain Shea’s Buffalo Theatre for present and future generations to enjoy as a working historic theatre providing a wide variety of live performing arts experiences for our patrons and innovative and effective educational experiences fostering an appreciation of live theatre by area youth.”
Every effort has been made to ensure these listings reflect gifts of $250 or more made to Shea’s Annual Fund during the past 12 months. In memorial donations are listed at any give amount.
Last updated on 2/27/2025
In Memory of Maria Bertalan
as given by Jillian Hennig, Aurora Liquor, Inc.
In Memory of Michael Bogner
as given by Eileen Bogner
In Memory of Diane Enright
as given by Nicole Melander
In Memorian of LeeRoy Jeffries, Jr.
as given by Brenda Jeffries-Silmon
In Memory of Jill D. Kilinskas
as given by William Kilinskas
In Memory of Gregory Kraus
as given by Carol Tamol
In Memory of Jeanette Lippert
as given by Guy Tomassi, Friends & Family
In Memory of Brian Louis
as given by David Bradbury
In Honor of Ron Luczak
as given by Kathy & Ken Rogers
In Memory of John F. Malloy
as given by Deanna Malloy
In Memory of Vincent R. McFaul
as given by William Lambert
In Memory of Janel McKinny
as given by Gerald McKinny
In Memory of Shirley Palczewski
as given by Jeffrey Palczewski
In Memory of Helen and Joseph Pendolino, Jr.
as given by the Pendolino Family, Robert Castiglione, Joette, Fran, & Gabrielle Cecala, John Farino, Frank Farino, Doug Fronczek, and Kelli Suchan
In Memory of Yvonne Rummings
as given by Taralynn Guzzetta
In Memory of Doris Altman Scheur
as given by Lawrence Scheur
In Memory of Lynne Smith
as given by Jason Woodard
In Memory of Dr. Bernard D. Wakefield
as given by Ms. Cecelia Kohlmeier
In Memory of Paul Wos
as given by Barbara Rodgers, Melissa Frazer, William Fay, and Connie Savage
Ms. Cecelia Kohlmeier & Dr. Bernard Wakefield*
Michael & Christine Wachowicz
Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation
Catherine A. Hamberger Charitable Lead Unitrust
Albert Nocciolino
Shea's Spotlight Committee
Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo Studio Arena Theatre School Fund
James and Eileen Eagan
Kent and Laurie Frey
Brian Higgins
Robert & Tammy Laughlin
Phillip H & Deborah L Morris
Pepsi Co.
Rachael Small
Tower Family Fund, Inc
Margaret Beyer
Dr. and Mrs. David and Anna Brooks
Mr. David and Dr. Nancy Colligan
Kathleen M. Diina
John & Terri Dunbar Jr.
Dr. & Dr. Robert and Carolyn Dukarm
Ross and Mary Alice Eckert
Georgetown Capital Group
Thomas and Deborah Jasinski
Kate and Eileen Lorenz
Kimberly Lupejkis
Ms. Bonnie Lee Morton
Mrs. La Verne Mosey-Murphy and Michael Murphy
Michelle Parrish
Cynthia Vance and Scott Smith
Mark & Geri Smith
Phyllis Ulmer and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ware
Randall and Corinne Best
Mary Kay Betz
Eileen Bogner
David and Jeri Brooks
Greg and Sheila Cain
Steven and Roberta Carmina
Marco and Kari Cercone
Dr. and Mrs. Kent and Susan Chevli
Dr. and Mrs. Brian and April Clemency
Colgate Industries
Doris M. Collins
Lawrence M. Appleby Fund at the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
Anthony and Linda Conte
Dr. George T. Danakas and Dr. Maria A. Corigliano
Couple & Relationship Therapy
Joseph V. Curatolo
Jonathan Dandes
Ian Danic
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMart
Duane and Nancy DiPirro
Patrick Fagan and Janice Walek
Jolene Falkner
Gerry and Sharon* Fenclau
David and Sherry Fijas
Stuart A. Gellman
Tim and Debbie George
Dolly Gernatt
George and Jory* Herbert
John F. Herbert
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Hinds III
Duncan C. Hollinger
The Dome
Douglas and Brenda Kahn
Daniel and Mary Lynne Kautz
Rosalind and Michael Kochmanski
Kelly and Kevin Krupski
William and Marie Kuch
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J. Kuzniarek
Lakeshore Primary Care Associates
The Leslie Family
Liberty Solutions Inc.
Drs. Alexander Ljungberg and Lauren Davidson
Dr. and Mrs. Randall Loftus
James Mack
Charlotte Manison
Sam, Lydia and Sophia Marabella
Randy and Lynn Marohn
Dr. and Mrs. Jason and Wendy Matuszak and Family
Bill and Tracey McCormick
Frances and Jean Morrison
New York Beer Project
Stephen and Tammy Nicholson
Philip and Patricia Nowicki
V Olszewski
Michelle Parrish
Sarah Parker and CJ Van Note
Joseph N. Pastwik
Dave and Mary Pietrowski
Matt Poeller and Jillian Walkowiak
Joseph Priselac Jr.
Rich Family Foundation
Bill and Susie Robbins
Rodems Construction Co., Inc.
Dr. Daniel and Marlene Schaefer
Ruth Shoemaker
Timothy McEvoy and Donna Siwek
Richard and Mary Smyth
Salvatore and Robin Socci
Sound & Theatre
Sally Stier
Leigh Waterman and Shawn Conley
Sharon Wickes
Bruce and Marianne Wisbaum and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Dawn Zientara
Kyle P. Adema
Fred and Bonnie Albrecht
Fred and Kathy Andriaccio
Susan Sielski & Lisa Avery
Dr. and Mrs. Steven and Maxine Awner
Daniel and Beverly Baker
John and Anita Ballow
Dr. and Mrs. Jared C. Barlow
Dr. Matthew Barth and Mrs. Noelle Barth
Maria and Jeremy Batt
Berardi Immigration Law
Richard Binder and Celeste Zuppa
Brian and Megan Blake
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Blesy
John J. Bodkin, MD & Julia Saturnino
David and Kathy Bradley
Randy and Amy Bradt
Derek and Laura Brann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Connie Brucato
Robert Brunschmid
Mark Carney
Nancy Casagrande-Koeller
Broderick Cason
Joseph M. Castiglia
Mr. and Mrs. Roland M. Cercone
Mr. David A. Cervi Sr. & LoriAnn Cervi
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Cichowski
Gloria Ciminelli
Matthew and Jennifer Cohen
Bob and Susan Conklin
Mark and Julie Constantino
Joel and Elizabeth Cotton
Joseph & Deanna Cotton Charitable Trust
Mr. Jamison Crawford & Dr. Katelyn Hitzges
Carole Cunningham
Jeffery and Maureen Dann
Andrew Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John P. DeLuca Jr.
DiGiovancarlo Family
Michael Di Lullo
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Diliberto
Deborah DiMatteo
Mrs. Doris Drago
Dr. Jenna Marie Dulak
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dulski
Norm Duttweiler, Jr.
Eastman Foundation
Christina M. Ebeling
Eberl Iron Works, Inc.
Frank and Mary Eberl
Ed Young’s True Value Hardware
David and Sue Fabian
Mary Clare Fahey
Christopher and Danielle Fahey
Carrie and David Frank
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freyburger
Mrs. Rose Furman
The Joseph & Anna Gartner Foundation
Brian P. Godfrey and Elaine A. Ursin
Gondree Family Fund at the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
Kathleen & David Greenway
William and Mary Jo Grieshober
Mark and Lora Grinder
Pete and Jess Grum
Noreen Guerinot
Bonnie and John Hathaway
Andrea Harvey
Daniel and Angela Hamister
Mr. and Mrs. Judson H. Heck III
Justin and Elizabeth Hendricks
Jill Hennig, Aurora Liquor, Inc.
Mark Higgins
Cheryl Hill
C. Holka
Karen and David Howard
Gary and Joan Jabczynski
Sheila M. Jarembek
Mark and Carmen Kelly
Dr. Kathryn Kendall & Dr. Donna Berryman
India R. Klas
Dr. and Mrs. Eric J. Koch
Donald Kohnstamm and Jean Dubow
Darra Kubera & Scott Richmond
Ted and Jillina Kwiatkowski
Mr. Thomas Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Long
Michael and Linda Lopian
Ken and Theresa Lorenz
Ronald Luczak & Michael Boland
Tom and Arlane Lynch
Aaron & Kate Macke
Jeannette Marchant
Don and Coleen Maulucci
Mary Lou Mancuso and Loren Jensen
Kimm Markovich & Lisa Polizzi
Robert and Elsie Martino
Russ and Colleen Matuszak
Mr. Mault’s Marketplace
McGard, LLC
Richard and Lisa McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGuire
Sean and Janice McKinnie
James McLellan and Jennifer Ball
Jay and Mary McWatters
Nicole Melander
Charles and Laurie Meyer
Carmen Mililoto
Kathleen M. Militello
Cristina Misa and Dana Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Montaldi
Douglas Moreland
NCA Comp, Inc. - Erin Jordan
Stephen & Eileen Nosek
Michael and Katie O’Connell
David and Mary O’Keeffe
Michael Osika and Daniel Salcedo, MD
Joanne M. Pearl-Barbati
Joseph P. Pendolino
Richard & Karen Penfold
Dr. and Mrs. Dheerendra Prasad
Chad Pyc
Quackenbush Co., Inc.
Kevin & Therese Quinn
Jamey Quiram
Repka Law P.C.
Kevin and Brenda Richardson
Cindy and Al Ripley
Scott and Rebecca Romano
Andrew & Alison Romanowski
Phil Rumore
John and Barbara Rumschik
Jacqueline Ruotsi
Dr. Maryam Saleemi & Mr. Phillip Hubert
Charles and Heidi Salva
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Saxe
John and Kristy Schaller
Lawrence Scheur
Dr. Michelle Schlesinger
John Schneider and Wendy Martin
Bobbi Scott
Bob and Kathy Shaw
Shuman Plastics, Inc.
Richard and Courtney Smith
Bruce Specht & Mark Quagliano
Susan Stapell
Dr. Ellen Sterman and Dr. Craig Chertack
Irene Stevens and Perry Figliotti
Rosanne K. Stolzenburg and Family
Summit Gymnastics
Stephen and Nicole Swift
Patricia M. Tobin-Gillis
Guy Tomassi
Tom and Linda VanNortwick
Christopher and Jose Vargas
Fran Vaughan
Raul and Toni Vazquez
Albert and Assunta Ventresca
Rob and Betty Vogel
Karen & Thomas Wall
Lisa and Kristen Wall
Valerie Warren
Andrea Wick
Elizabeth Windringer
Paul and Kaitlyn Woodard
Pete and Erin Woodin
Kevin & Sharon Wurst
Sujata Yalamanchili and Kent Roberts
John and Deanna Zak
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zalenski
Zaxis Archtectural, PC
Robert and Amy Zielinski
Hon. Rose and Mr. Thomas Bailey
John and Debby Barry
The Dan’s, Cathy & Mike
Peg Beyer
William Davis Bradley
Buffalo Bills Foundation
Buffalo Sabres Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Butsch
Edward M & Carin B Case
Gloria Ciminelli
Marilyn J. Ciancio
Larry and Marie Cobado
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Connolly
County Line Stone Co., Inc.
Dance Spectrum, Inc.
Donna DeCarolis
R. Scott & Dawn DeLuca
Diane and Dennis Dillon
Daniel and Colleen Dyson
Engineered Thermal Solutions LLC
Michael & Karin Elia
Thomas M. Fontana
Carol A. Golder
Victor and Maira Goulenko
Christopher T. and Cameron R. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greene
Michael R. Hilmey
Ideal Energy Solutions LLC
Cheryl and Michael Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R Janiga
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jennings
Gail Knipp
Boris and Barbara Kuvshinoff
Dr. Jeffrey Lackner and Dr. Ann Marie Carosella
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Lanighan
Mary Anne Leslie
Ms. Cassandra Lippert
Mr. Joseph Lombardo
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Lorence
Kristy and Benjamin Matson
Kevin & Cindy Malchoff
William and Jane Mathias
John & Deanna Malloy
Gerald McKinny
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Miller
Arthur F. P. A. DuC. Musarra Esq.
Karin Naffziger-Brown and Terence Hogle
Joseph and Rosemary Ognibene
Jim and Michele Overdorf
Pooley, Inc.
Steven and Susan Roney
RPI Consultants, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sanderson
Melinda R. Saran
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sciarrino
Drs. Caren and Stuart Shapiro
Frank and Barbara Sweitzer
Garin Tomaszewski
Robert and Donna Waver
Lous S. & Molly B. Wolk Foundation
Joanne Zablonski
Barbara T. Baker
Mr. Jim Biddle Jr.
Casey Bolles
Buffalo Alumnae Chapter Sigma Alpha Iota
Marcelene M. Burkett
Mark and Lisa Carlson
Doreen Casacci
Patricia Cognato
Megan Corbett-Rizzuto
Peggy Corto
Barry and Mary Beth Covert
Nicole and Rory Curtis
Barbara Decaire
Timothy and Sasha Delaney
Edward F Gibbons and Hope J Edgette
Julie B. Estenoz
Joan Eustace-Reeverts
Sandra Falletta
Jeff and Tricia Farrell
John Fleischman Jr.
John and Bella Goin
Victor Goulenko
Linda & Scott Grear
Thomas E. Greenwald
Diane Grzybowski
Dr. Dawn Hezel-Castine
Edward and Karen Healy
Bernhard Huber
Duane Jonmaire
Gene & Ann Jordan
Camille Kane
Ruth Kapsiak
William Kilinskas
Kimberly A. Kroll
Ms. Joan Kuhn
Kathleen D. LeFauve
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lombardo Jr.
Mader Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Mangio
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mann
John Meehan
Mary E. Nicotera
FJP Benjamin and Lila Obletz
Nicholas and Carly Ortiz
Jeffrey Palczewski
Anthony Piccione
James Poppenberg
Jody Goldstein & Howard Rosenhoch
Kathleen Rozicki
Raymond Seitz
Sally Signore
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smyton
David and Sheila Schwanekamp
David and Eileen Scott
Jim and Penny Sorokes
Ruth R. Wiseman Spivack and Randy Spivack
Tim A. Stalker
Tranquilli Family
Jane Vosseller
Paul D. Voytovich
Christine & Corey Wiktor
Nancy J. Wonacott
Andrew M. Zach
Lawrence and Leslie Zielinski