
Join the Shea’s comedy writer’s room as we take a deep dive into joke structure, improvisation, and sketch comedy. Actors and writers will create a series of sketches all packed with punch lines on CUE! 

$250 [Assistance Available]


For Questions or More Info


The students’ days begin at 9:00am with warmups and ensemble-building work. Next, students split into two “casts,” each led by a teaching artist, for workshops on topics such as improvisation and joke writing where they will create and rehearse sketches for the final showcase. Students take a lunch break in the middle of the day and head out for parent pick-up at 4:00pm.   

The Staff
Comedy on Cue camp is directed by Shea’s lead teaching artist, Alejandro Gómez. Shea’s Arts Engagement and Education team selects additional experts to lead each “cast” in the development of comedic skills including writing, timing, and performing.  

The Final Performance
The showcase performance takes place in the evening on the last day of camp. On the final day, students stay at camp through the final performance preparing to deliver their sketches to an audience of friends and family at Shea’s Smith Theater. Dinner is provided.