
Using a song of their choice, students will explore their unique life experience to create a connecting monologue and Sing their Story. Students will devise their own ideas, lighting, and costumes leading to a personalized performance where they are the STAR! Sing Your Story will culminate in a showcase on the Shea's 710 Stage open to the community. Led by our lead Teaching Artist, Alejandro Gómez. The program will culminate with a song showcase on Friday, February 21st at Shea’s 710 Theatre for an invited audience of family and friends. Ages 10-17. Financial assistance available.

$250 [Assistance Available]


For Questions or More Info


The students of Sing Your Story’s day begins at 9:00 with warmups and ensemble building work. After that, they will split off into their two “casts” each lead by a teaching artist to take their classes and rehearse their songs and monologues for the final showcase. Students take a lunch break in the middle of the day and head out for parent pick up at 4:00.

The Staff
Our camp is led by Alejandro Gómez, our lead teaching artist. The expert teaching artists leading the camp are selected by the Arts Engagement and Education team. The teaching artists will be leading the students their classes and guides the “casts” in preparation for their final showcase. Other staff includes Charmagne Chi, Zach Carr, Kathleen Dunne, and Kara Sandoval.

The Final Performance
The final performance takes place in the evening on the last day of camp. Students stay at camp all day through the evening that day, preparing the show for their friends, families, and community professionals. Dinner is provided.